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Water Service

For New Water Accounts

  • Apply in person at City Hall during regular business hours.
  • New connections require a form of Identification for the account point of contact.
  • A copy of the ownership papers or rental agreement providing the legal information for the city to access the property for utility services.
  • One time connect fee $50 / if no water is currently on if water service is already on then it is only a $15 transfer fee to read the meter for account set up.
  • Residential deposit $150 (stays with city until water account is closed, deposit if for final bill and will be used for any remaining balances)
  • Commercial deposit $200 (same as above)
  • signed meter contract agreement to go in new Occupant/Customer File.
  • First receipt is a copy of the signed agreement with a signature with paid to the employee collecting the fees, signing off that that the money is received.

Water & Sewer Rates

Current rates as of February 16, 2021.

Residential Water Rates

TypeMeasure Rate
Residential inside cityunder 2000 gal$35.00
Residential inside city2001-5000 gal$4.00 / thousand gal
Residential inside city5001-7500 gal $4.00 / thousand gal
Residential inside city7501-10000 gal$4.50 / thousand gal
Residential inside cityover 10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal
Residential outside cityunder 2000 gal$45.00
Residential outside city2001-5000 gal$4.00 / thousand gal
Residential outside city5001-7500 gal$4.50 / thousand gal
Residential outside city7501-10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal
Residential outside cityover 10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal

Commercial Water Rates

TypeMeasure Rate
Commercial inside cityunder 2000 gal$47.50
Commercial inside city2001-5000 gal$4.00 / thousand gal
Commercial inside city5001-7500 gal$4.25 / thousand gal
Commercial inside city7501-10000 gal$4.50 / thousand gal
Commercial inside cityover 10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal
Commercial outside cityunder 2000 gal$57.50
Commercial outside city2001-5000 gal$4.00 / thousand gal
Commercial outside city5001-7500 gal$4.50 / thousand gal
Commercial outside city7501-10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal
Commercial outside cityover 10000 gal$5.00 / thousand gal

Residential Sewer Rates

Residential inside cityunder 2000 gal$20.00
Residential inside cityover 2000 gal$1.00 / thousand gal

Commercial Sewer Rates

Commercial inside cityunder 2000 gal$25.00
Commercial inside cityover 2000 gal$1.00 / thousand gal

Meter Tap Prices and Other Fees

Download for Meter Tap Prices, Sewer Tapping Fee, Road Cutting and Repair Fee, and Extra Charges


Sanitation Dispatching with Trash Truck Services

For New Sanitation Contracts

  • New contacts require a form of Identification for the account point of contact.
  • A copy of the ownership papers or rental agreement providing the legal information for the city.
  • signed meter contract agreement to go in new Occupant/Customer File on the arranged sanitation services.
  • First receipt is a copy of the signed agreement.

Sanitation Rates

Most sanitations fees are included in the water bill:

  • Residential Inside city: $17 / month.
  • Residential outside city: $24 / month.
  • Commercial inside city: start at $26.50 / month. Rate will vary depending on account, pick up dates and times.
  • Commercial outside city: start at $38.00 / month. Rate will vary depending on account, pick up dates and times.


The Shamrock Landfill is located at 6580 CR 15 (northwest of city). From Shamrock head north on US-83 to CR Z, turn west on CR Z, 1.3 miles to CR 15, turn north on CR 15, 1/2 mile to landfill.

The landfill is open Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Closed on Sundays, holidays, and when there is inclement weather (high winds or rain). Call 806-334-0278 to inquire if it is open. Please call more than once as they may be assisting at the gate.

1st Saturday of each month is Residential Free Dump Day, this applies to all regular household items, tree limbs, grass, furniture, and etc. Commercial Fees still apply such as shingles, construction demo, and other materials etc.

Landfill Fee Schedule

Item / LoadFee
1 Small Item$5.00
Appliances (Large)$5.00 - $10.00
Furniture$5.00 - $10.00
Pickup Load$10.00 - $25.00
Pickup Bed with Sideboards$10.00 - $25.00
Trailer: Small $10.00
Trailer: Medium 10-12 ft.$15.00
Trailer: Large 12 ft. & up$20.00 and up
Trailer: Utility (Car Hauler)$50.00 - $150.00
Bobtail Truck with Scale Ticket$50.00 per ton
Dead AnimalsSmall $5 / Large $10.00
Septic Sewage$50.00 per 2000 gals
Minimum Charge$10.00
Extra Charge for Wire Accounting to Size
Scale Weight:$50.00 per ton

Utility Billing Policy

All monthly water meter readings and required rereads shall be completed between the 10th and 15th of each month. Utility bills will be prepared and mailed out each month between the 24th and 26th.

Utility payments are due on or before the 10th. At 8:00 AM on the 11th late fees will be assessed and late notices prepared and mailed out. Should the 10th occur on a Saturday or Sunday, late fees will be assessed at 8:00 AM on the following Monday.

Utility payments not received by the 20th will be considered delinquent. At 8:00 AM on the 21st a termination/cutoff list will be prepared, and services will be disconnected on this date. Should the 20th occur on a Saturday or Sunday we will honor the following Monday and then prepare the cutoff list and disconnect services on Tuesday.

Reconnect fees will be assessed. Only City of Shamrock employees can reconnect service after customer has been disconnected for non-payment. Any service turned back on by the customer will be assessed a self-connect or tampering fee of $100 for first offense and $200 for any offense thereafter.

If you have any questions about your utility bill, please call City Hall at 806-256-3281 during regular business hours.